Sunday, June 27, 2010


An hour ago i visited an relatives in our province.. after 5 years away from them.. seen so many changes in the place the road are cemented it use to muddy during rainy days, has lot of hump on the way.. a bad way for motorcycle.. but now its way to smooth to drive to.. to bad i havent bring my phone to take a photo of the changes there, it's ok though i can still take aa mental picture of it... ahehehe... lol... 

not only the place do chance also the people there.. my crush, the girl i adore most on that play, is already having a baby, one year old, but has no father.. she used to be conservative but now look what happens.. she is realy choose she dump me coz im just an ordinary guy, and now she's with no-guy.. hihi.. but enough of her..
lets talk for this little anoying girl who turned into a hot young lady.. this chick use to push herself on me.. i keep ignoring her coz she's to young for me, so simple don't know how to make herself pretty.. back then she was 16 and im 20..a lot of things change my little cousins has grown big... 
we realy never knowwhat lies ahead the future..

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