Tuesday, March 31, 2020


The Community Quarantine Pass doesn't arrive yet. the city mayors office promised to give each household one pass to use as an authority to  one family member to go outside and buy foods and basic necessity for family to be use. but still hasn't arrive. they say that the barangay official will give it to every household for the convenience of every family and for the implantation of the social distancing law published by the president. still hasnt come in our house, we are running out of food here we need to buy to the the market. we need the pass so that the to give us authority to go out.. until when will we wait? until we run out of, i wish those assigned official reached here. i know we have alot of household in our community. i just really want the assign official to act fast. 

Monday, March 30, 2020


Enhance Community Quarantine
Day 2

8:35 in the morning 
This not the usual day as I woke up. During with my regular I used to wake 6 in the morning. As I was preparing my breakfast, I also drink my favorite coffee. Check the weather condition and latest news in the internet. Then take look at my social media account check for new messages while also opening my email. At 7 in the morning take a bath then getting ready to work. But my those days chance now because of this one month community quarantine I will stock here in my room got nothing to do but to eat watch some movies in the internet until I get tired, because of this community quarantine implemented by our city mayor here in CEBU CITY

6:03 in the evening.
Just finished my laundry and cleaned inside my house. I got bored I go outside to buy some cooking oil. Some sari-sari stores open here in community here at BARANGAY SAPANGDAKU. All are seems normal in our in our BARANGAY only during the day. People are can easily walk around normally some wear mask some doesn’t. Seems like nothing happened, the only different I notice is there are no children walking playing around. During night like as while ago lesser people walk around they often sleep early because of the curfew happens every 8 o’clock in evening. During those hours BARANGAY TANOD roam around to see if the people in our community follow the curfew rule.